An Angler’s Guide to Bar Glasses and Beer Goggles

For some, alcohol is an important part of the overall fishing camp experience, and I often find myself being reminded of the need for proper glassware to more fully realize the potential enjoyment of the finer things in life. More than once I’ve heard, “Why are there no glasses for red wine? These are all for white!”

Only once have I replied to an indignant angler, “Drink your Merlot from a mug like a man!”

I shouldn’t have. She was offended, and with good reason, of course. Any fool would have known she was drinking a bold Cabernet.

A majority of the stemware, cocktail and other glasses in the camps around Fish in a Barrel Pond have been donated, usually by anglers frustrated with the difficulties encountered in trying to serve a proper martini or a decent scotch*/rocks, or who simply found their wine drinking experience was held back by a lack of good goblets. A majority of those glasses will not survive a weekend in the rough and tumble of a good time at camp. The attrition through breakage is astounding and the shelves in the camps are filled with a wide-ranging hodge-podge of miscellaneous survivors. (* In some cases, the problem may not be the glass. ~QG)

Someone new to the outdoorsy way of life has plenty of things to worry about as it is (spiders in the showers and nails in the walls, for example) and doesn’t need to be bothered with complications when all that’s wanted is a drink when Happy Hour rolls around. In an effort to simplify things for anyone who finds themselves confronted with the dilemma of which glass to use when at fishing camp, I got together with my good friend Eugene and his pal Purly and we came up with the following “Angler’s Guide to Bar Glasses”. To make it even more useful, we’ve also included a couple of recipes to assist in more fully realizing your potential enjoyment of the finer things in life.


(Click one for the slideshow.)

As always, I am pleased and proud to do my part for anglers and the greater outdoor recreation community. Please partake responsibly!

(Many thanks to the good folks at Brewfest Beverage Co. in Ludlow, VT, for putting up with my nonsense this morning! Their selection of beer, wine and spirits is top notch and they are a regular stop when I make my rounds.)

(Certain beverages don’t need no special glasses. Click to find out why Quill Gordon Wears Steel-Toed Drinking Shoes.)

Categories: Humor | Tags: , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “An Angler’s Guide to Bar Glasses and Beer Goggles

  1. Mary

    What would you recommend for a finely distilled moonshine?

  2. I found out that the mason jar can’t be used for pickling first. No matter how much you scrub it, you swear you still smell vinegar. Or maybe that’s just my poor choice of wines.

    That might be the best slide show you ever put up.

    • I reserve judgement on your wine selections but applaud your recycling ethic.

      This slide show will have a prominent place in my portfolio.

  3. SexyBugger

    Booze comes in glass, so I don’t see why you need a glass… unless you are sharing, and someone is worried about cooties, which is so, uh, 8th grade.

    • We like your style, Ms S.

      You and I may be acquainted with some of the same anglers and, no matter how many times I assure them the liquor sterilizes the glass, they still wipe it off. Even then, some of them still look scared.

  4. Pingback: 1000 Words + 1 Picture | The View from Fish in a Barrel Pond

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